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Film Friendly Texas Community

Victoria is proud to be listed as a Certified Film Friendly Community by the Texas Film Commission, a program of the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas.

The Texas Film Commission’s Film Friendly Texas program connects media industry professionals with skilled community liaisons across the state to provide local expertise and production support. Participation in the FFTX program provides Texas communities with a network for fostering media production in their municipalities, and sends a clear message to media industry professionals that Film Friendly certified communities are serious about attracting their business.

With an emphasis on working with Texas’ rural and suburban communities, the Film Friendly Texas program provides an elevated platform for statewide certified communities to market their unique attributes and resources directly to media industry professionals working in Texas.

If you are a filmmaker or film production agency that is looking for locations, Victoria is a community welcome to film projects. Contact our Marketing Manager Nancy Brittain at nbrittain@victoriatx.org or 361-485-3118 and learn more about how the Victoria Convention & Visitors Bureau can assist you in your project!

Commercial Filming Guidelines & Permit Application

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